Monday, April 23, 2012

We Need Innovative Afterschool Programming!

“How do we make sure that our programs are really teaching the skills young people need for success, health, and happiness in the complex and fast-changing 21st century?”

Michael Brandwein, internationally recognized expert on teaching and leading young people.

The Drumming for Success (DfS) model specifically addresses the need to engage students and teach the skills that young people need for success, health and happiness in our complex society.

Cost Effective and Sustainable

Where drumming programming for after school students is available, it is typically short term and/or expensive as it is dependent on an “experienced” drummer to supply the drums and facilitate the drumming group.

Sustainable and Independent-Drumming for Success is sustainable at your site based on the DfS staff training/drum acquisition model:

Your staff can be trained to facilitate a group Drumming for Success program on a sustainable basis with a music/life skills curriculum that utilizes outcome measures to assess students progress in self-esteem, relationship skills and improvements in school behaviors.

The Drumming for Success (DfS) program uses outcome measures to document the positive results of this innovative method. I have had success training afterschool staff to implement and facilitate all aspects of this fun, engaging and transforming activity. I have trained and implemented DfS in Miami, New Hampshire, Vermont and in Italy over the past two years.

Why Drumming?

Children love drums and music. As a result they respond immediately and learn meaningful, lasting life skills. Drumming for Success also enhances the culture of any afterschool program with a culminating performance at the end of each program session. These performances are a source of great pride to the children, staff and community.

The Drumming for Success program is invaluable to young people as it teaches essential skills for life in a musical context that is distinctively memorable and impactful. These musical/Life Skills lessons will make a big difference in the lives of your students.

I am looking to collaborate with afterschool and community based organizations to further disseminate this powerful, results oriented, group drumming method. Go to the website and try the djembe drums yourself. Just mouse over the drum and you’ll understand the intrigue. Contact me to discuss possible collaboration and implementation of DfS in your school and community.
Steve Ferraris
Director- Root Drumming Systems

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